Uniform & Sportswear

Our students are ambassadors of the school and are expected to dress and behave in a way that reflects the high expectations and aspirations we have for all members of our school community.


  • A plain navy-blue blazer with the new re-branded Bromfords School badge and blue braiding.
  • Plain white formal shirt/blouse with collar, buttoned to the neck; to be tucked in at all times.
  • School clip-on tie, fastened over the top shirt button, (available from the school only and based on your child’s House allocation; students learn their form/house on their first Year 6 into Year 7 6 transition day, which falls on Thursday 29th June. For those that have already prepaid and ordered, we hand out the ties on this day.).
  • Plain navy-blue tailored school trousers. Tight trousers, leggings or jeans are NOT permitted.
  • The Bromfords School skirt. No other skirt is acceptable. We expect that the school skirt should be worn no shorter than two inches above the knee and not rolled up at the waist.
  • A plain navy-blue knitted ‘V’ neck pullover or cardigan is optional but if worn, it must be purchased from our supplier and have the school logo on it. (No branded jumpers, sweatshirts or tracksuit tops).
  • Plain navy, black or white knee length or ankle socks.
  • Plain black, navy or beige tights; again, no leggings are permitted.
  • Plain black formal flat shoes, (boots, trainers, sports shoes or other footwear such as Nike Air Force 1 or similar are not permitted)
  • It is compulsory to have a suitable school bag for students to carry their necessary school equipment and A4 textbooks and exercise books, as well as their PE kit on the days on which PE is timetabled for them.
  • Apron for DT or Food lessons
  • Only natural looking make-up and hair colour are permitted. False eyelashes are not allowed.
  • False nails including acrylics are not permitted. Fingernails must be of natural colour.
  • No jewellery (including earrings) is permitted apart from a wristwatch. Please note that any notification function on any watch must be turned off during the school day.
  • Articles of faith, please contact your child’s Head of Year; for example, if worn headscarves must be black or navy blue in colour.

Students who are not in full school uniform should report to their Form Tutor upon arrival in school with a note from their parent/carer stating the reason. A ‘red-slip’ uniform note or appropriate sanction will be issued. Parents/carers may also be contacted.

Sports Kit and Equipment

  • School logo polo shirt
  • School logo long sleeve rugby shirt (boys only)
  • School PE shorts
  • School logo leggings (optional)
  • School logo tracksuit (optional)
  • School logo sport jumper/hoody (optional)
  • Plain navy football socks
  • Under layers or skins – white or blue in colour (optional)
  • Trainers
  • Football boots (optional)
  • Shin pads (optional)
  • Gum shield (optional)

If it is not possible for the correct PE kit to be worn for a PE lesson, students are required to bring a note from home explaining the reason why and provide alternative appropriate PE kit.

Personal property will be the responsibility of the student and should be individually labelled.

We are pleased to inform you of our new uniform supplier as below:


Basildon School Uniform Shop, 203 Timberlog Lane, Basildon SS14 1PB.                

Telephone:         01268 952 074

Shop opening hours:       9:00 am to 5:00 pm (Mondays – Saturdays)


Both in-store and online customers do not need any special access code to purchase uniform. The direct link to the school uniform page in our website is below and all the uniforms will be online for purchase from June 21st, 2023. Our new supplier is also offering a 5% discount on the entire first order for our parents, with free online delivery.


Existing parents/carers will be aware of our updated branding of the school to match our aspirations for the students and the role our school plays in their development and preparations for their next steps. We are acutely aware of the financial challenges many are facing currently. The school has made significant changes to reduce the cost of school uniform for parents/carers whilst maintaining the high standards of uniform that we expect of our school community. In addition to reducing the costs of our school uniform, by changing supplier we have avoided a predicted 8.5% increase for 2023/24. 

To support parents/carers with the cost of transition from the current blazer to the new one please read the following information:

  • All new Year 7 students from September 2023 must wear the new school blazer with the new re-branded Bromfords School badge and blue braiding.
  • Students currently in Years 7 and 8 (Years 8 and 9 from September 2023) can wear the new school blazer but if they are to wear their current blazer as an alternative, it is an expectation that they are wearing the new blazer no later than September 2024, when they start Years 9 and 10.
  • Students currently in Years 9 and 10 (Years 10 and 11 in September 2023) can continue to wear their existing blazer until they leave the school or choose to wear the updated version.

Regardless of the options provided above, the school blazer is not an optional part of our uniform. Please note, the old-style school blazer will not be able to be purchased as a new item from our supplier.