Coronavirus Arrangements Update

Dear Parent/Carer,

We hope you had a safe weekend in what remain difficult and challenging circumstances for all. A reminder that we should all be following the NHS guidelines on self-isolation and social distancing. These guidelines are frequently updated so please keep checking the website below to ensure you are following the latest advice.

Thank you for your support today in keeping your child at home. To reiterate, school closures are critical to reduce the spread of a virus to a level the NHS can cope with. This is essential to save lives. Please ensure your child is also following social distancing guidelines and is not outside mixing with other children.

If you have any specific questions regarding school closures, they may be answered here:

For students with parents who are critical workers or students with an EHCP, we have now devised a programme based on our staff availability. From Tuesday 24 March, the hours that provision is available for the children will be 9.00am to 3.00pm.

Further to our recent correspondence requesting that all Year 11 and Year 13 textbooks and exercise books be returned to school. I am now writing to ask that if you have not done so already, you DO NOT return them at this time.

As I am sure you can appreciate, advice and guidance is changing by the hour and due to the latest information on social distancing, it is not practical for visitors to be entering the site.

Please be reassured that should we need your child’s work for any marking or grading purposes, we will contact you directly.

With thanks for your continued patience and understanding.

Yours sincerely

Mr A Mohammed