Attendance – Sixth Form

We appreciate that children are unwell from time to time and that there can be exceptional circumstances for absences, but we ask that you think carefully about keeping your child out of school.  There is a strong connection between attendance and achievement at school.  Absence is proven to have a significant negative impact upon a child’s educational attainment.

The Bromfords School’s expectation is that you maintain an attendance of 96% and above. Failure to achieve this will result in parents/carers being contacted and you will be subject to our attendance improvement procedures (please see the website for further details). Ultimately, poor attendance may jeopardise your place in the Sixth Form.

The school day commences at 8.30am and the register is called promptly. If you arrive after 8.30am but before 8.55am you will be marked as late. If you arrive after 8.55am, without a valid reason, you will be marked as late after the register has closed. This is classed as an unauthorised absence and requires a note from parents/carers. All students arriving after 8.30am are expected to sign in at Student Reception. Attendance at form time is vital to ensure you complete their University or workplace application forms. During form time, you will complete skills based learning, and focus on next steps and future planning.

Attendance at all lessons is compulsory. All Sixth Form students have a number of study periods. The Sixth Form Study Centre is a supervised area where you must sign in at the beginning of their study period.

If you are ill, parents/carers must call the school’s Student Absence Line – 01268 627859 – on the first morning of absence stating their name, your name and form, full reason for absence (if due to illness the nature of the ailment must be stated) and, if known, the date you will return to school. If no return date is given parents/carers must call the Absence Line each and every day you are absent.

On your return to school parent/carers must then provide a note, addressed to the Attendance Officer, explaining the full reason for your absence along with any medical evidence i.e. copy of a prescription, prescribed medication packaging, a doctor’s letter or a Student Medical Certificate which is downloadable from the school website.

Absences known in advance must be notified to the Sixth Form Coordinator by completing an Absence Slip. Appointment cards or other evidence including parental/carer letters must accompany this slip.

Holidays will affect attendance and attainment levels and SHOULD NOT be taken during the school term. Family holidays will not be authorised unless there are extenuating circumstances. Medical and dental appointments must be made outside of school hours.

Should you have any queries or concerns regarding Post 16 attendance, please email

Sixth Form Attendance Policy