UCAS References

The Bromfords School is a secondary academy based in Wickford. The school is classified quintile 1 for adult HE qualifications and participation gap and quintile 2 for young participation in terms of POLAR 3 classifications.  There are over 1,100 on roll, with a small Sixth Form. Bromfords has a mixed gender, non-secular intake, with 24% of students on roll eligible for the pupil premium and 19% currently receiving a free school meal. Bromfords is an inclusive school, 20% of students are classified as having Special Education Needs, 5% of students have a statement of special educational needs (SEN) or education, health and care (EHC) plan. Bromfords has a high level of stability and pupils staying in education or employment at KS4 and KS5 are both above the national average.  However, recently only 31% of Year 11 have continued into the Sixth Form.  In 2017 the Sixth Form was graded ‘Requires Improvement’ by OfSTED.

Students who join Bromfords Sixth Form complete a two-year pathway. The majority of students follow a two-year pathway where they will take a selection of A-Level and/or BTEC qualifications.  For those who failed to secure one of their English and Mathematics GCSEs, they will resit these alongside their level 3 studies.

Upon application, the majority of our students chose three subjects at A-Level and/or BTEC that they complete by the end of Year 13.  A small number of our more academic students undertake 4 subjects.  As part of an enrichment programme in Year 12, they also have a weekly study and life skills lesson which also touches on areas around maintaining students’ mental health.