Iceland 2019

Students and staff of the Bromfords School and Sixth College recently returned from an amazing trip to Iceland. They visited a number of the most famous landmarks in Iceland, and were fortunate to visit them in the snow, which made them even more impressive than normal. They were able to go in a lava tube where once lava flowed to see the layers in the lava and experience what total darkness is really like, before going to visit the southern coast of Iceland, passing Eyjafjallajokull that erupted in 2010 and seeing a couple of impressive waterfalls, a black sand beach with basalt columns and a glacier that has been rapidly retreating in the last 20 years. They were also able to swim in a geothermal pool, visit the original Geysir and have an Icelandic ice cream whilst the weather outside was -8 degrees! (and see the cows that the milk came from).

The students seemed to really appreciate their experience which was as much about enjoying seeing the spectacular country that Iceland is, as about learning how the features were made.